Eating Disorders – Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that is characterised by (A) excessive importance placed on weight and shape in terms of that person’s self-worth,  (B) binge-eating with very large amounts of food, (C) then trying to compensate for this calorie intake in some way. The compensating for the eating is typically through vomiting but can also be through fasting, exercise, laxative use or other means. Some people chew their binge foods and spit it out before swallowing.

This condition has some features common to anorexia nervosa. The affected person places a huge importance on controlling their shape and weight, they try hard to diet, and fear fat.  The biggest point of difference is that someone with bulimia is not very underweight. And they have binges on food that feel out of control. They usually hide this very well from everyone close to them.

Serious Problems can emerge from bulima nervosa:

  • Dieting leads to poor bone density; women can lose their periods; poor hair, nails and skin; and other brain and body problems
  • Vomiting leads to heart irregularities; ulcers and tears in your oesophagus, erosion and decay of teeth; it becomes addictive and hard to stop
  • Laxative use leads to problems with your bowels and fluid retention


We offer specialist treatment in all three locations, with clinical psychologists trained in the main modes of therapy that research informs us to be effective.

Sometimes, if a person is medically compromised or if they cannot get better with psychological treatment out of hospital, they will need a stay in hospital to get treatment going. There are hospitals that specialise in eating disorders and these depend on your age, location and access to private health insurance.  Please call the practice (02 98911766) in work hours to speak with Chris, Cindy or Jody to ask about whether you should be thinking about hospital treatment.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is the main treatment that has been shown to work for bulimia nervosa. We have psychologists who have years specialising in tailoring this powerful treatment to different people with their own eating problem. For adolescents, it is also possible to successfully adapt the family based treatment approach used for anorexia nervosa.  It is sometimes helpful to consult a dietitian and we can help arrange for a recommendation.

Eating disorders are dangerous, so it is important to act quickly. Read more here.

It is important to see your GP if you lose weight quickly or you are vomiting regularly.Your cardiac safety could easily be compromised.